Saturday, February 2, 2013

Super Mario Brothers Birthday Cake

I love the Super Mario Brothers video games and when I was asked to create a birthday cake with the theme from the Nintendo video games, I had a lot of fun. 
I really had a lot of fun making the mushrooms, stars and other characters for this cake.

Super Hero Birthday Cakes

I get a lot of requests for super hero cakes.  This is a cake that I made recently for a friend whose son was a big fan of Spider-man and Captain America.
This one is a little smaller than normal as it had to travel a fair distance to get to the Birthday Party, but it was a lot of fun to make and it was the first time that I got to play with my new cake steamer.

Revisiting an Old Design

We had a baby shower for a friend today and they asked me to make a cake.  This is a design that is similar to one that I did about a year ago, but I have upgraded the nest and I am now making my own gum paste for my cakes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Past Creations

 Rapunzel Birthday Cake

 Chrysanthemum Cupcakes

 Monster Cupcakes